May 13, 2007

Happy Mothers Day

I just want to take a moment to wish all of you Moms a wonderful Mothers Day!
Peggy thanks for being my Mom! Although I can't bring you flowers today, I thought I would share my favorite picture of you with flowers. Thanks for showing me what "family" really means.

May 9, 2007

Soon to be our new home!

We should be closing June 5th and starting to move in June 8th.

I am so excited to get out of the apartment and into a home. The dogs and I will love the "fenced" backyard!

I must say that I am not looking forward to moving in this heat. Might just have to strap on a camelbak (a backpack that holds water)! Thank goodness that we still have a two car garage still all packed and ready to move.

We hope to make this our home for the next 3-5yrs. If less great!


(The Sears tower is the tallest building in my picture)

A beautiful place to visit, but not some place we would want to live. It was like being in a thick forest with only the sky to see. But, if you ask me I rather be in a forest of trees vs buildings. We decided that we would walk to Lake Michigan. Looking out over Lake Michigan reminded me of an ocean.

Everyone was very friendly on the street. Only 3 people knew that Jester and Athena were Basenji's. They were looked at with great interest. The dogs did great in the hotel. We were only on the 5th floor thank goodness. Athena hated the elevator. It was a challenge the first day to find a place for the dogs to go to the bathroom. We just followed the crowd of people walking their dogs and found a great dog park.