Mar 18, 2009

Black Widow Spider!

Well, everyone knows how much I just love spiders! Yesterday, Jester got bit by this Black Widow Spider! I noticed his muzzle was swollen just under his eye. He had been outside for awhile since summer is starting to show and he loves the sun. I gave him a antihystamine and noticed after a few hours the swelling wasn't going down. I decided I would go out and clean up the backyard, only to find a Black Widow crawling on the grass near this hole in our wood fence.

I called the vet and they told me to bring him in right away. After a few shots and some pills to give him for the next 2wks he is doing ok.

I am not sure if he hit the web with his nose and the Black Widow shot out and bit him. In Alaska I would have him kill spiders. But, now I will have to figure out how to get him to come find me when he sees one and not to touch it.

Jester's Bite 2 Days after bitten! Look at those sad puppy dog eyes. I think if he asked for all the cheese in the house, I would give it to him.