Aug 16, 2007


Well, there are only 3 things I hate about living in TN!

1. Being away from family.
2. Mowing the grass in 90 plus degrees at 8am.
3. All the bugs that thrive in this heat and humidity.

Here are some of the creatures that I have taken pictures of:

I do love frogs! I find it to be a very lucky day when I find a frog.

Here is a picture of a Wolf Spider which carry their young on their back. They are big and ugly looking. About the size of a quarter with its legs extended. They are poisonous but I guess they can't bite you. I don't care what you say. They still give me the Heeber Jeeber's!

Then there is the Cellar Spider which looks a lot like a Daddy Long leg. They are found in our garage and they make nice big webs in the windows. I couldn't get a good picture of one so here is a nice one. I have seen these as big as baseballs. You can't miss seeing that.

And the last one has visited me 3 times while sleeping. The famous Earwig. I can't imagine why I have nightmares about bugs.

Did I mention the pest guy is coming tomorrow! 0_0

1 comment:

The Maxell's said...

You had to put the picture of the spider in there....