Nov 7, 2007

Fall with color.

Fall is here. This might just be my favorite part of the house. As you can see there is still a little bit of green on it. The leaves are already starting to fall. The highest window behind the tree is our office. So, I get to enjoy looking at it everyday.

I am already a cold weather sissy. It was 30 degrees this morning with frost on the grass. Brrrrr! I guess when your average temp is around 85-90 it really seems cold. I know I will get no sympathy from those living in Alaska. ^_^

Well, December 1st will be my 1yr in TN and the 15th for Bob. Time goes by so fast. It really is hard to slow life down sometimes. So, take a moment to enjoy our tree.

The shrubs behind the maple tree are our holly bushes. I have seen no berries on them, but maybe I can cut some and send them to AK to make some wreaths. Guess we get to buy another power tool. Not quite big enough to shape into animals.

My goal is when Peggy makes it down here she can help me plant some flowers between the two shrubs on each end.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful tree! I wish we could grow maple trees like that in AK! Do you feel settled into your house yet?

Miss you - hope to talk to you soon!

